setembro 02, 2005

open letter

"Dear Enstbrpl Pyatbdsrl...

(...) it's ok, i understand. i would find it a little bit creepy if somone i never (...) like that. i would have preferred a negative answer to no answer at all. i can live with the disappointment and embarassment, but i couldn't live with the regret of not having done anything and, possibly, letting the woman of my life disappear in front of my eyes. this kind of attraction doesn't (...) exchanging looks with a stranger. i guess i expected some sort of magical unfolding of events, from shared glances at each other to happily ever after. call me old-fashioned (...) expecting for something overwhelmingly romantic to happen. i've now realized (...) in the movies and, sadly, my life isn't one. you seem to be a nice girl (...) a kind and genuine person (...). i hope you have a beautiful life (...) as happy (...).

love (...),