setembro 02, 2005


i hear your voice and the articulate speech
you recite and
you don't even need to move your lips
i can sense the perfume you leave behind
as you walk on by but
i never traced your steps
i don't remember your lovely face
the way you look but
i would recognize you in a second
i can get lost inside your eyes
and even witness the ties
completely unaware of their colour
i can feel your soft and tanned skin
your long shiny hair
without moving a single finger
i can taste your big moist lips
every inch of your body
but we've never been together
i can dream and fantasize about the both of us
and i can love you
without you even knowing
i can do anything i please
imagine all our life with ease
but i can't say one word
i can't come across as appealing in any way
i can't think of a word to say
whenever i'm around you
and there's so much i want to say
so much i want to give
so much i want to live
why should it be this way?
i know i can love you
i know that we should be together
i knew we should be together
long before i knew you

2 ex troardinary remarks:

Blogger NoKas wrote...

e o spam ataca! :p que sarna!

02/09/05, 17:45  
Blogger paulo wrote...

devo confessar que me sinto tentado a pôr a porcaria do word verification no blog...

se fossem para a grandessíssima p*** que os despejou neste mundo, é que faziam bem.

02/09/05, 18:10  

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