janeiro 10, 2007


wouldn't be nice if we could reinvent ourselves? better still, doing it automatically, through an unseen connection to something much bigger than us? by simply clicking a button?
updating implies the notion of fate, of preordained events that cannot be avoided. it entails certainty, security, purpose and direction. by definition, the exact opposite of randomness, serendipity, options and choices, doubt, insecurity, obliviousness and lack of guidance. hence, the annihilation of humanity. but it would be nice for a change...

3 ex troardinary remarks:

Blogger Filipe wrote...

Ao longo da nossa vida, vamos progredindo. Queremos sempre mais, fazemos sempre mais, aprendemos mais, preocupando-nos mais, stressamos muito mais...

Uma versão anterior de nós stressa menos e diverte-se mais. Numa versão anterior podemos ainda moldar-nos a outras coisas. Be downgraded my friend.

11/01/07, 09:50  
Anonymous Anónimo wrote...

Quando encontrares o botao, avisa, pode vir a dar jeito. No entretanto, podes sempre adicionar uns widgets... ;)

11/01/07, 19:06  
Blogger Catarina wrote...

it would be nice for a change... shake it, shake it...

14/01/07, 11:03  

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