janeiro 21, 2006

black box

you don't know me, so don't presume you know what goes inside. better still, don't guess. this is not a gameshow and we're not playing for money. you don't know the frequency at which my heart beats inside my chest, so don't be so eager to judge my every move. especially when the glass roof on your house seems so appealing. you don't know the pace of my steps, so don't rush me to move. don't force me to run when all i want is a quiet stroll for a change. you know nothing about me, so stop putting pressure on me. i may (even) shatter...

4 ex troardinary remarks:

Blogger Nuno wrote...

Vejo que tens o meu blog nos teus links... Obrigado!
Aquilo acabou... Mas, se estiveres interessado... www.digitalurn.blogspot.com
A maior parte são textos antigos, numa espécie de remake. Muitos deles já completamente fora do contexto, mas ainda a soar(-me) bem de qualquer modo.
Um abraço!
(Gostei do teu blog!)

21/01/06, 21:43  
Blogger Ana Elias wrote...

O que é que significa " shatter"?

23/01/06, 11:06  
Blogger paulo wrote...

nuno: o blog acabou, mas há-de estar lá sempre para ler e reler. pelo menos enquanto o blogger existir... abraço

lótus: shatter é estilhaçar, ou coisa parecida. beijinhos

23/01/06, 11:17  
Blogger Ana Elias wrote...

thanks (que significa obrigadinha, ...ou coisa parecida) ;)


23/01/06, 11:25  

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