junho 18, 2007


looks like someone dropped the H bomb but i'm the only one that was vapourized. only my silhouette stands against the walls overwhelmed by the power of the explosion. i want the all out open war with bombs dropping down every single day. i want bright lights and mushroom clouds. i want impact waves tearing down all in their way. i want radioactive fallout and permanent damage. looks like someone dropped the H bomb. looks like it's gonna be a beautiful day...

2 ex troardinary remarks:

Blogger Zorze Zorzinelis wrote...

Sempre excelente, meu caro; sempre muito bons os teus posts! És um extraordinário resistente!!!

19/06/07, 13:29  
Blogger paulo wrote...

e o mais engraçado é que nada tem a ver com bombas "antónias"...

20/06/07, 10:10  

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