julho 08, 2007

the amazing adventures of Troubled Soul - act I

Troubled Soul woke up one day and decided to be Happy. but, what at first seemed an easy task, turned out to be quite an adventure…
“i’ll be Happy in no time!” shouted out Troubled Soul. and off he went to the registry office to formally conduct the change. there he met Civil Servant, also known as Lazy Bastard, although none of his (decidedly few) friends ever called him that to his face.
“how can i be of service?” asked Civil Servant also known as Lazy Bastard to the visibly excited Troubled Soul.
“why, i’d like to be Happy!” replied Troubled Soul.
“hmm, let’s see… i’m afraid there’s a problem.” mumbled Civil Servant, also known as Lazy Bas… you got the idea.
“what kind of problem, my dear sir? is it not possible for me to be Happy?” inquired Troubled Soul.
“besides the obvious problems that arise from the bureaucratic process that is the changing of one’s name, we already have one…”
“one what?”
“one Happy. you’ll have to choose another name, i’m afraid.” Civil Servant solemnly announced, while thinking to himself that he was, as usual, conducting his work in a remarkably professional manner. maybe it was time to ask for a raise or, even better, more responsibility.
“is there anything i can do about it?”, asked Troubled Soul.
“let me think for a second…”
actually, several minutes elapsed before Civil Servant had a reply for Troubled Soul. but, in his opinion, it was the most brilliant, simple and incredibly logical solution for the problem at hand.
“well, after pondering on your rather peculiar situation, i think i can give you my expert opinion…”
