abril 23, 2007


decorated like a xmas tree
you think you're a movie star
gorgeous and glamourous
dressed up in costly rags
covered in make-up to play the part of your life
but you're only surface
simply plastic
nothing but an extra in a more meaningful life
your beauty is made up of creams
but nothing is ever what it seems
as perfect in the outside
as hollow within
always in fashion and part of the herd
shut your mouth and stop the absurd
covered in make-upo to play the part of your life
but you're shallow and soulless
merely cosmetics
nothing but an extra in a more meaningful life
you need not words for your role
you've lost the plot
you're nothing but an extra in a more meaningful world

2 ex troardinary remarks:

Blogger Inês wrote...

sinto-me tentada a imprimir umas quantas cópias deste e oferecê-lo a umas quantas pessoas que conheço...
i like it

27/04/07, 05:42  
Blogger paulo wrote...

estás à vontade. não te esqueças é do ©...

27/04/07, 14:00  

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