julho 20, 2005


"(...) i develop all the text-book symptoms of a crush: nervous stomach, long periods spent daydreaming, an inability to remember what she looks like. i can bring back (...) but her face is a blank, and i fill it in with some anonymous (...) details (...)"

what's this all about? come on, let's be honest, you wouldn't even go out with yourself! how are you supposed to attract someone else? be pragmatic, you're not tall, muscular or even handsome. you're just a tiny little bug waiting to be stepped on. yeah, i know. but i'm a feisty little bug that is going down fighting...

2 ex troardinary remarks:

Blogger Unknown wrote...

I've been dying since the momment I was born. For the first breath to my last, all can do is try to postpone the inevitable, in a procrastination of life... but do I want to?

20/07/05, 10:17  
Blogger paulo wrote...

aren't we all...

20/07/05, 11:02  

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