waste of m$n€¥, waste of s p a c e
real? phoney?, smirking face :)
reality check, honey; you're easy to replace
shamelessly parading, trying to save face
y get me d and out
o get me o and out
u get me w and out
! get me n and out
one attempt at shooting the moon with a slingshot but no rock
and walking at snail's pace instead of racing the clock
i sit and wait for the penny to drop
s and w and l my m
i and a and o my i
t and i and s my n
, and t and e my d
you'd be singing in the sinking Titanic
putting iceberg on your cocktails
you'd roast marshmallows
on the fiery rubble of Rome
all i want to do is go home
" i w is t dream a
a i a is o dream g
l i n is . dream a
l i t is . dream i
" i ! is . dream n
i want out...